AMR Presents:

Free Continuing Medical Education



517 S. Division

Grand Rapids, MI

 Delta College

Courage To Be Safe



Isabella County

Kalamazoo County HazMat Response Team Presents:

Kent County 

Ingham County

Michigan Fire Fighter Training Council Presents:


Registered FFTD Classes


Michigan State Fireman's Association

Also view our website for additional training opportunities and other useful information.  If you have any questions send them to EMHSTC@michigan.gov.  Please share these training opportunities with those in your organization or area that may also benefit. 

We are excited to meet your training needs in 2016!  Happy Holidays! 

Emergency Management and Homeland Security Training Center

Michigan State Police

7426 Osborn

Lansing, MI  48913






Michigan is looking for high qualified trainers to be trained to teach Traffic Incident Management to first responders and supporting operations.  A new coordinated, multi-disciplinary training program developed through the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) has been deployed in Michigan and available for all first responders supporting Traffic Incident Management operations. The training puts firefighters, police, state and local departments of transportation, towing, medical personnel and other incident responders on the same page, leading to a safer, faster, integrated responder team. In Michigan the program will be known as Mi-TIME – Michigan Traffic Incident Management Effort.

Six injury crashes occur approximately every hour in Michigan, putting first responders potentially in harm’s way every day.  Congestion from these incidents often generates secondary crashes, further increasing traveler delay and frustration. The longer incident responders remain at the scene, the greater the risk they, and the traveling public, face. Minimizing the time and resources required for incident clearance is essential to meeting our goals for safety and reliability.

This training can be taught in many different ways; participants can attend a 10hour intensive course, a four-hour modified version and single-lesson modules.  Most states that have deployed this training are doing the 4 hours modified versions.  The program has now been accepted in all 50 states, District of Columbian and Puerto Rico.  The national program has had Michigan specific items added such as our laws and how to set up a taper.

Michigan had three train the trainer session in 2014 with over 2,000 first responder already trained in the Mi-TIME program. A 2015 Train the Trainer has been scheduled for all day August 18 and half a day August 19th.  Please apply to be a trainer by filling out the application and returning to Angie Kremer at KremerA@michigan.gov.  We are expecting the session to fill up so please submit your applications early. The TIM Action Team will be reviewing submitted applications.  Any questions please contact Angie Kremer at KremerA@michigan.gov or 517-636-0247.

Applications can be found on the Mi-TIME website along with other Traffic Incident Management resources: www.michigan.gov/mi-timesafe

Mi TIME - Application-Commitment 2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [121.6 KB]
MI TRAIN Instructions2.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [218.9 KB]
Download for instructions to register
MI TRAIN Instructions.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [218.9 KB]
MI TRAIN Registration Instructions-per 2[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [62.9 KB]

Right Trackers Response Solutions

Monroe County Firefighters Association 

Moncalm County Firefighters Association 

Muskegon County Fire Chief's Presents:
Professional Emergency Services Training and Essential Fire Training Brochure
EFT PEST Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.2 MB]

Recommendation for this course.

The National Fire Academy

made another 6-day course available for delivery by approved NFA instructors in the states.  This is in addition to the numerous 2-day courses which are available for delivery in-state.

We added a six-day course to your Dashboard – Emergency Medical Services: Quality Management (O0158).  See attached course description.

This 6-day course will provide the critical components, background and principles associated with the implementation, or enhancement, of a department's Quality Management Program.  The course teaches students how to create, implement and maintain a Quality Management Program, including historical examples, current models and best practices of quality assurance and improvement, process improvement and data collection and analysis.

Throughout the course, students work on culminating activities relating to the development of a Quality Management Program.  Students present the culminating activity with classmates and instructors at the end of the course, allowing students to take examples of Quality Management Programs to their departments.

Selection criteria: Individuals who have department-level Quality Management (Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement) management, oversight or supervisory responsibilities.

Delivery type: 6-Day Off-Campus

Prerequisites: ICS 00 level and ICS 200 level training.  Preferred courses are Q462 and Q463 available through NFA Online at www.usfa.fema.gov/training/nfa/courses/online.html.  Chief's signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

ACE recommendation: There is no ACE Credit



Course Description
EMS Quality Management.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [472.0 KB]

Emergency Vehicle Driver Training Instructor Up Date Webinar for February



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