The 76th Annual Conference, MFSIA room block is now open If you have problems contact Don Bigger
The 76th Annual MFSIA Conference is December 4th (Pre Conference), December 5th,& 6th, 2025. The Registration is in construction.

Go to News and Events  for any updates!

MFSIA By-Laws (Draft September 2024d Fin[...]
Microsoft Word document [122.6 KB]

76th Annual MFSIA Professional Development For Fire Personal Registration is in construction

MFSIA Board of Directors Meeting Schedule 


New events under the Trainings tab  02/08/2025

Owosso Fire Dept 02/05/2025

MFSIA Educational Scholarship Winner

Congratulations to  winner of the2023 MFSIA Scholarship Award.


2023 Scholarship No Award Winner

The Michigan Fire Service Instructors Association has established an annual educational scholarship grant program which is sponsored by various sponsors. Awards  will be made each year to a Michigan high school graduate to assist in paying tuition at an accredited Vocational/Technical School, a community college or a four-year college or university. One grant in the amount of $500 will be made annually.


Jeromy Robertson was honored as the 2023 MFSIA Instructor of the Year  at the 74th Annual MFSIA Conference.

 Each year we ask for nominations from our membership for the MFSIA Instructor of the Year. The nominees come from all five regions of Michigan and from this select group, the MFSIA Instructor of the Year is selected. Winners are also selected as Regional Instructor of the Year.
Individuals receiving this award need not be a member of the MFSIA.This years Regional winners will also be awarded a years membership to MFSIA

2017 Lifetime Achievement Award

Congratulations to Deward Beeler, was honored as the Lifetime Achievement Award recipient  at the 2016 Annual Conference. 

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