MFSIA Constitution

"We, the Fire Service Instructors of the State of Michigan, in order to secure better education, provide information, establish continuity, promote fire safety, form lasting bonds, create a good atmosphere and promote professionalism in the Fire Service, do establish this Constitution of the Michigan Fire Service Instructors Association as a vehicle of service to the people of the State of Michigan."

Download current ByLaws here
MFSIA Constitution (Ratified 2024 Decemb[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [295.5 KB]
ISFSI Instructor Doctrine as stated in the ByLaws
ISFSI _ MFSIA Instructor Doctrine.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [468.5 KB]

Robert's Rules of Order

Adobe Acrobat document [351.5 KB]
Adobe Acrobat document [106.0 KB]
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© Michigan Fire Service Instructors Association 2013